What are the Signs of Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)?

A person with Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) will experience some or all of the following signs.


•   Needs to (or should) ask many extra questions to clarify a task before starting; "doesn't get the picture."

•   Has trouble paying attention to and remembering information presented ORALLY; a person with APD copes better and remembers VISUALLY acquired information.

•   Appears to have poor listening skills, and needs people to speak slowly.

•  Needs more time than reasonable to process information.

•   Intermittently "doesn't get it" despite obvious contextual meaning of conversation and inferences from information presented ORALLY.

•   Has difficulty or problems carrying out multi-step directions given ORALLY; needs to hear only one direction at a time.

•   Sometimes forgetful of information previously memorized like household chores and responsibilities, despite frequent reminders.

•   Lack of music appreciation and/or does not understand songs (either the words themselves or the meaning of the lyrics).

•   Difficulty following conversation on the telephone.

•   Sensitive to loud noises (like a blaring TV).

•   Social issues—difficulty "reading" others/pragmatic communication issues.

•   Prefers written communication (ie: texting, email).

•  Speaks or writes "telegraphically" — omits facts or switches topic, so that audience cannot follow train of thought.

•   Interprets words too literally, becoming confused or suffering hurt feelings.

•   Insensitive to tone of voice; may misjudge speaker's mood or be unintentionally tactless.

•   May have trouble paying attention and remembering information when information is simultaneously presented in busy or noisy surroundings.

•   Develops a dislike for locations or social situations with background noise.

•   Often seems to "ignore" people, especially if engrossed in something else.

•   Poor "communicator." ie: fails to explain, apologize, negotiate, defend.

•   Problems with cause-and-effect reasoning; difficulty surmising the unspoken rules of conversation, play, and other situations.

Keep in mind there are also 4 separate, distinct subtypes of Auditory Processing Disorder depending upon where along the way to the brain the "signals" get distorted or lost.

Click here for more information on the 4 subtypes of Auditory Processing Disorder (APD).

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