Were you born with any deficiencies or problems that could have caused Auditory Processing Disorder?

Were you born with any deficiencies or problems that could have caused Auditory Processing Disorder?

I was born at approximately 9 months. Normal.

Birth Weight = 7lbs 12 oz. Normal.

I was adopted at birth, so no family history is known.


At birth, my health was good. The only noticeable deficiency at birth was a calcium deficiency and certain neurological connections weren't made. How, or if, there are related is unknown. As an amusing side note: I've grown up drinking a lot of milk. Love it. Anyone who knows me says I should own my own cow.

First sign of problem

"The parents first became concerned about Jeffry at age 2 ½ when he appeared intolerant of loud noises. Jeffry is doing well in school although he has trouble conceptualizing. He cannot answer why questions."

"He underwent audiometric testing which was normal and a battery for central auditory processing disorder which was abnormal especially when sound was presented to the left ear."

More Doctor's Notes:

"Motor examination was normal except for quite brisk reflexes bilaterally (mild hyper-reflexis)"

"Cranial nerve examination was normal except for some reluctance in performing rapid movements of the tongue."

"There is no question that these problems are neurological although I cannot state with confidence where in the nervous system the problem arises."

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